Mason Bee Revolution, by Dave Hunter and Jill Lightner

Mason Bee Revolution, by Dave Hunter and Jill Lightner
From the Publisher: "Honey Bees Make Honey; Mason Bees Make Food."
- Author is at the leading edge of bee and pollinator issues
- Mason bees are part of the solution to honeybees' decline
- No other bee book addresses the topic with such depth and interest
- Includes useful information about leafcutter bees too!
The news regularly features dire stories on honeybee colony collapse and its danger to our food supply. But there's another, unsung bee that has the potential to save the planet-the mason bee.
Mason Bee Revolution explains how docile, hard-working, solitary mason bees (and their compatriots, the leafcutter bees) are even more productive pollinators than honeybees, and keeping them can be a fun, easy, backyard hobby for gardeners, conservationists, foodies, and families everywhere.
Why these bees? Bee pollination is critical for about 80 percent of US agricultural crops, increasing crop value by an estimated $15 billion annually. Since 2006, nearly a third of all honeybee hives have been lost annually, due to parasites, pesticides, habitat loss, climate change, and a newer malady called Colony Collapse Disorder. While scientists search for answers to save the honeybee, Dave Hunter and his company, Crown Bees, are leading the effort to increase the population of other bee pollinators, one garden at a time.
Native solitary bees, such as the blue orchard mason bee or the alfalfa leafcutter bee, can efficiently pollinate alongside honeybees. Solitary bees are gentle, good-natured, and highly efficient pollinators: One mason bee can produce twelve pounds of cherries, via pollination, where it would take sixty honey bees to achieve the same. You can't harvest honey from mason bees, but you can create a robust backyard garden with healthy food crops-and increase the plant diversity and health of your neighborhood.
Mason Bee Revolution is an easy-to-follow guide to keeping both mason and leafcutter bees. It tells you how to set up, care for, and harvest your own bees and what types of plants and habitat encourage mason and leafcutter bees, as well as provides general information on other common pollinators and bee-related facts, projects, and personalities.
NOTE: Books are subject to only 5% tax ... a nice savings for book lovers.
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