Sunderland Hives Clover Honey 3kg

Sunderland Hives Clover Honey 3kg
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Believe it or not ... the "lowly" Clover flower is the source of almost 1/3 of Ontario's honeys, and it's really delicious. Many gardeners consider clover a "weed" but to honeybees it's a delightful and very important source of forage.
Clover honey, as the name suggests, is made by the bees collecting nectar from clover (Trifolium) flowers, producing a mild, quite sweet, floral honey. In fact, it's one of the sweetest of all Canadian Honeys, which means you can use less (and save some honey and money) and still achieve the same sweetness.
Available in 500g & 1kg glass jars and 3kg & 15kg plastic pails.
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