McRory Wildflower Honey 500g Plastic Squeeze Skep

McRory Wildflower Honey 500g Plastic Squeeze Skep

McRory Wildflower Honey 500g Plastic Squeeze Skep

Here's a Beekeeper who really knows what he's doing!

Doug McRory was first exposed to bees as a child, and became a Beekeeper while still in high school. He studied Apiculture and Entomology at the University of Guelph. After years of Beekeeping experience he became the Provincial Apiarist of Manitoba, and later (for over 30 years and until his retirement) was Ontario's Chief Provincial Apiarist.  Now a Beekeeper for almost 50 years, he's again at it full time, and produces some of Ontario's finest honeys. 

Doug's almost 600 beehives in 25 bee yards are in the Guelph, Kitchener and Cambridge areas of Ontario. He is also a preeminent breeder of Ontario Queen Bees and producer of nucs.

Big and bold, with a true and clear flavour ... they way pure, 100% Ontario honey should taste ... is how McRory Wildflower Honey is most often described. Everyone loves it, and it's always one of our best sellers!

Available in 500g and 1kg glass jar and 500g plastic squeeze skep